Frequently Asked Questions

Have any questions about Brylex Tours?

Here you'll find information about many commonly asked questions about Brylex Tours. Group travel can be a confusing process at times, and hopefully you will find all the answers you need here. If you don't feel your questions were answered, or if you would like more information, please don't hesitate to Contact Us.

Is Brylex Tours a travel agency?

No. Brylex Tours is a tour facilitator specializing in group tours of 5-25 people. Brylex Tours does not offer wholesale or retail sale of travel nor does Brylex Tours accept payment for these things.

Why does Brylex Tours exclusively use ALG Travel?

ALG Travel is a sole proprietorship owned and operated by my husband Alejandro Gonzalez. ALG Travel is an affiliate of the Archer Travel Group that assists small travel agencies with obtaining and maintaining regulatory requirements and legal protections. Utilizing a small business like ALG Travel allows Brylex Tours to receive more focus and a more curated travel experience than using other larger travel agencies that may not have Brylex Tours' patrons' best interests in mind.

What is the refund policy for Brylex Tours?

Brylex Tours has a general refund policy laid out under our Docs & Policies Page, please see there for specific information regarding our refund policy.

What is a Tour Agreement?

A Tour Agreement is a signed document between Brylex Tours and any tour participants that lays out the itinerary, itemized receipt, and all other pertinent information to a specific tour. Each individual tour receives a Tour Agreement when the final details are agreed upon between Brylex Tours and the tour participants.

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